Sunday, November 1, 2009

Communication Tools Workout

My group was Claire and Nick and we chose to communicate via facebook chat and message threads. We communicated a lot in the beginning to figure out how we split up the assignment, but did not much after that except when we had questions for each other. I think facebook was the best way to go. It was easy to use and everyone knew how to use it. It went well, but probably would have been faster still to just talk. I haven't ever done anything like this before, so it was a new experience for me. It was hard to have a conversation with three people using technology; a three-way feature would have made it easier, which is why we switched to facebook threads instead of chat. I would have liked to figure out what we were doing quicker, so we could have had more class time to complete the assignment.

Strengths to this assignment include using creativity to figure out the best method of technology to use, as well as getting students to communicate in a different way than they normally would on a school assignment. Students use technology to communicate everyday, so this put a whole new perspective on it. A weakness might be that a more complex assignment would be nearly impossible to complete, unless students had a more advanced way of communicating with each other.

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